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Researchers from universities and the food industry are joining forces to help each other accelerate the transition to a more plant-based human diet. We call this intersectoral project Plant2Food. Plant2Food’s mission is to accelerate the transition to a more plant-based diet. We aim to do this by creating the knowledge foundations for developing new nutritious,...
Theme: Alternative proteins Alternative proteins represent not only an ideal answer to main global food challenges such as nutrition, health, climate change, biodiversity, sustainability, and food security but also offer a huge potential of development. During this online masterclass, European and Asian SMEs will showcase innovative solutions applied to food industry. From valorisation of food microalgae and legumes, to the potential of...
Til Fødevarer for fremtiden får du overblik over den grønne omstilling i fødevaresektoren.Konferencen sætter fokus på bæredygtighed på tværs af fødevarekæden, og der vil blive lagt op til diskussioner af udfordringer og løsninger - helt fra produktion til forbruger Du får overblik over arbejdet med grøn omstilling i den danske fødevarekæde på tværs af sektoren,...